Local Advertising Rates in Leicestershire

Make your business stand out with an advert in Commercial Break Ltd’s monthly editions. Distributed throughout Leicestershire, our local advertising magazine has three separate monthly editions, targeted at Oadby & Wigston, Leicester East, and Market Harborough. Learn more about our rates and get in touch with our team in Fleckney to discuss your needs and place your order. All prices include free advert design.

Oadby & Wigston

Commercial Break Ltd Oadby & Wigston is distributed to more than 22,000 homes and businesses located in the borough of Oadby & Wigston each month.


  • 1/8 Page – £49
  • 1/6 Page – £65
  • 1/4 Page – £85
  • 1/3 Page – £99
  • Half Page – £139
  • Full Page – £249
  • Front or Back Page – £295
  • All prices are subject to VAT
  • Next Deadline July 23rd 2024

Leicester East

Commercial Break Ltd Leicester East is distributed to approximately 7,500 homes and businesses throughout the local area, including:


Scraptoft Lane, Old Humberstone, Houghton-on-the Hill, Scraptoft, Thurnby, Bushby,
Ilston-on-the Hill, Billesdon, Hungarton, Keyham, Kings Norton, Gaulby, Tugby, Evington, Tilton-on-the Hill and Skeffington.




  • 1/8 Page – £33
  • 1/6 Page – £39
  • 1/4 Page – £49
  • 1/3 Page – £65
  • Half Page – £85
  • Full Page – £129
  • Front or Back Page – £199
  • All prices are subject to VAT
  • Next Deadline July 23rd 2024

Market Harborough

Commercial Break Ltd Market Harborough is distributed to approximately 12,000 homes and businesses in the town of Market Harborough and the surrounding areas, including:

Market Harborough

  • Great Bowden

  • Little Bowden

  • Lubenham

  • East Farndon

  • Clipston

  • Sibbertoft

  • Husbands Bosworth

  • Marston Trussell

  • Theddingworth

  • Medbourne

  • Weston by Welland

  • Sutton Bassett

  • Ashley


  • 1/8 Page – £42
  • 1/6 Page – £54
  • 1/4 Page – £65
  • 1/3 Page – £75
  • Half Page – £109
  • Full Page – £185
  • Front or Back Page – £219
  • All pricese are subject to VAT
  • Next Deadline July 23rd 2024

Looking to Generate Leads?

With a circulation of 40,000 copies per month, our local advertising magazine is the best way to get your business noticed.

Advertise with Us